First Post!
Hello, my name is Joe. Welcome to the first post on Tech Unloaded! A tech enthusiast at heart, I decided the time had come for me to share some of my passion with the community. What led me down this path? We have to go back to the beginning.
Technology became a big passion of mine when I was only ten years old. My mom brought home a firesale desktop from her daytime job. I needed to figure out what was missing. It didn’t take long to realize I needed to add an IDE cd-rom so that I could play games. After a few days of trial and error along with a small initial investment for parts, I finally had the install figured out. I was hooked! It’s funny how something that seems so basic had such a rewarding resolve.
Here we are almost 20 years later. I’ve been lucky enough to make my way into a technology heavy career. When I’m not working at my job, working on my house, or spending time with my family, I am working on content to share on YouTube and here with you guys.
I only started creating content on YouTube a little over a year ago on my channel, JoesTech, but it has grown much more than I ever thought it would. One lesson I’ve learned looking back is, if there is something you think you may enjoy, just try it. If you are too worried about failing to start something, then you’ll never achieve anything.
My goal for this blog is to provide another format to share tech reviews and my opinion and experiences on some the things we will be looking at. Hopefully along the way I can provide something educational, inspire, and create some positive exposure to the PC and tech community.
This is my first attempt at writing and at a blog in general, so I’m sure there will be some changes and adjustments along the way. I hope you guys enjoy, and I look forward to the next post!

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